Is there a perfect time of day to meditate?

July 11, 2019

From the article:

For aspiring meditators, and even for some experienced om-ers, carving out time for a formal meditation practice can be tricky. “In the decade that I’ve been meditating every day, the only time that has proven always available is when I fall asleep at night,” says Michael Mrazek, director of research at the Center for Mindfulness and Human Potential at the University of California, Santa Barbara. “There are inevitably at least a few minutes after I’ve kissed my wife good night when there are no competing external demands for my attention. So I’ve turned those minutes into a very consistent opportunity for mindfulness practice.”


While meditating during calm, relatively distraction-free times of the day can be helpful, especially for people who are new to the practice, more experienced meditators may derive additional benefits from meditating during those moments when life is chaotic and their thoughts are racing. “In meditation, we’re cultivating the skills of focusing on an anchor and releasing distractions,” Mrazek says. “You can’t practice releasing distractions without distractions. Plus there’s a benefit to learning how to periodically set down our concerns even in the midst of a busy day.”